(see also: Songs I play and the kind of music I'm into)

Video with Me Playing

(all from this year)

(I am currently in an originals band but would love to also be in a cover band that does some more modern upbeat stuff - so I'm on the lookout, and will somehow create some extra time if a great opportunity presents itself!)

The point of these videos is to show what kind of a player I am, so you can know if you want me in your band.

There will be occasional mistakes and I'm leaving them in on purpose - I consciously chose to just upload the first take as I think it's more authentic and useful as a demo of "what to expect from me on an average day". It also acknowledges the fact that we're going to make the odd mistake on stage and need to be able to recover and keep going.

Sun 16/6 Open Jam

Wed 28/4 - Open Jam

Timestamps for the parts I'm in:
  • Everlong @ 0:44
  • Smells Like Teen Spirit @ 0.59
  • No Secrets @ 1:12
  • Break Me Shake Me @ 2:08
  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love @ 2:22
  • Seven Nation Army @ 2:35

Wed 13/3

Tue 12/3

Sun 10/3

Wed 6/3

Mon 4/3

Wed 7/2 - Open Jam